I've just finished doing make over my blog. It's fun but a lil bit confusing. There are several changes in my blog appearance such as blog header, icon tab browser, template and layout. Actually, 'blogspot' provide a lot of options of them. But i did improvisation on 'em, not only just clicked the option tab but also edited the html (maybe you don't know what i mean, sorry. hehehe).
I often do 'blogwalking' to many bloggers with various topics. I really enjoy read their blogs because their blog contents are useful, neat and very detailed information. Beside the contents are interested me to read, their blog appearances are also beautiful, easy to read, eye catching and not make you get headache (you know, some blogs or websites often full of advertisements or accessories that not useful, i thought)
I hope with this new face, i can share anything that i want to share more often than before and definitely useful for you all.
see you next posts.